Community Services
Community Centres
Community Living London has a variety of day programs located at access centres across the city which provide day supports to adults with developmental disabilities. People participate in meaningful activities based in the centres and in the community, while meeting new friends and developing practical skills. Each person develops a unique schedule of activities based on their interests and abilities.
Adelaide Access: Located in the South area of the City this location boasts a large outdoor grass area, large multi-purpose room, a Literacy Room and a variety of activity spaces. People are supported at a staff ratio based on their unique support needs including 1 to 4, 1 to 2 and 1 to 1 ratios.
Ford Access: Located in the North West area of the City, this Access Centre is truly a remarkable place with a variety of sensory and learning rooms. Ford has a wet and dry Snoezelen room, Augmentative Communication room, a woodworking area, outdoor space, along with other activity spaces, a kitchen and dining area.
People are supported at a staff ratio based on their unique support needs including 1 to 4, 1 to 2 and 1 to 1 ratios.
The Hub: Located at The Centre of Learning and Innovation is in the Central East area of the City. The Hub provides a wide variety of opportunities ranging from sports and crafts to cooking classes based at the Centre and the surrounding neighbourhood. There are also a variety of Special Interest Classes and curriculum-based learning available.
The physical space is quite large with many different activity spaces, and people must be able to navigate around the building to get from one activity to the next with minimal assistance.
Horton Access: Shared space with the Horton Street Senior’s Centre located in Central London. People must meet the criteria of 45 years and older, able to fit in with an aging population and able to navigate between activities with minimal support. Participants must purchase a membership for the Horton Street Senior’s Centre and will have access to all activities offered.d skills in preparation for community employment.
Other Programs Related to Community Centres
Additional opportunities available through Community Access Services. The following activities can be accessed with no waiting list;
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Snoezelen is an environment where primary senses can stimulated helping people overcome physical and mental barriers.
Summer Leisure Program
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Summer Leisure Program is a specialized day camp for school-aged children and teens with developmental disabilities.
Augmentative Communication
A program designed to assist people who have communication barriers. Trained staff work one on one with people who have a developmental disability to create an augmentative communication plan. Our Augmentative Communication room is filled with tools to assist people communicate.
Adult Resource Lending Library
A library for adults with disabilities to access books and other resources.
Community Leisure Connections
Paid seasonal activities for adults with disabilities to participate in.
Access Extra
Access Extra assists adults with a developmental disability to
explore their interests and dreams. We connect people to activities in the
community, based on suitability and choices, in the area of voluntarism, leisure,
recreation and life-long learning.
Club at the Hub
Club at the Hub is a social, recreational, skill building program for adults 18 and over on the Autism Spectrum. Our dedicated and skilled staff provide an evening of fun and socialization in a safe and supportive environment.
Social Sexual Awareness Classes
Educational workshops designed to inform people with disabilities about building healthy relationships.
F.Y.I. – Facilitating Youth Independence
Adults (18 +) with a developmental disability are connected to community opportunities for leisure, practical learning, volunteering, and public transportation instruction. Each participant will develop individualized goals working towards independence and long-term natural connections to their community.
Service Details
Type of Service:
Community Services
We provide a variety of supports to access activities and classes that meet the diverse interests and unique learning needs of adults with a developmental disability in the areas of leisure, recreation, practical learning and volunteering.
Community Centres
For More Information
Complete the form below to speak with a Community Living London specialist.
“Chris has settled into his new home and is the happiest and most content we have ever seen him. Without your never-ending support this would not be possible. Thank you.”
“My son loved all of the outdoor activities and raved about his experiences going bowling and watching movies.”
Valued People. Inclusive Community.